Tim Peters, D.J.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sissy weatherman with a cockroach on his leg

I didn't think too much about this when I first saw it but then Dan Holiday, who is a metorologist, forwarded the same video to me and said this guy was in his class in weather school. In fact, when I went into work last Thursday Dan was talking with Mr. "There's a cockroach on my leg and I'm flaming out on TV" on the phone. This guy is now getting his 15 minutes of fame. Rosie O'Donnell (who flames out regularly on TV herself) called him to be on The View, Diane Sawyer had left him a voicemail along with every major news network and probably a few lonely gay men. If you doubt my words, he is featured on one of Dan's websites called TheStormReport.com, on which I am the announcer guy. He would be the African American fellow who is a correspondent from Sarasota, Florida. Check it out.


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