Can I hear you now? Hello?

Apparently that's not the way it works in the cell phone world. What happens is, I have to take time out of my busy schedule (hey, they don't know I'm a lowly DJ) and go visit the Sprint store so a zit faced technician nerd can examine my phone for the third time. I've spent so much time with the Sprint folks we're thinking of having a reunion. I think I'm a god parent of a couple of their kids.
All this makes me wish I still had my analog bag phone that never dropped calls and was the size of a suitcase. I carried that bad boy around with a strap over my shoulder. People looked at me with envy in their eyes knowing I was one of the priveleged few to own a cell phone. I would sometimes just walk around and pretend to be on the phone. Then I got my brick phone. I would carry that beast around on a clip on my belt and every now and then I would find my pants down around my ankles. The brick phone took two hands and a considerable sized bicep to hold it up to your ear for longer than 3 seconds. All I ever wanted in life is to appear to be pretentious. Is that so wrong? I'm too poor to actually be pretentious. Oh well, I'm off to the country club...ta ta! (I'm really off to the Sprint store. It'll be our little secret)
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