Tim Peters, D.J.

Monday, December 08, 2008

I'm so Excited....

The most amazing thing happened over the weekend.  But first, let me give you a little background.

As you may know,  as a radio guy I'm a pretty good medication delivery person.  I deliver mostly to nursing homes and have gotten to know a couple of the patients.  One such fella is Louis at a nursing home in Raytown.  Louis is a unique individual.  Louis is in his mid sixties and a double amputee.  He says he lost his legs when he was in the Army. 

One day as I was leaving the facility and Louis asked me, "Hey, how do I get a job like yours?"  I kind of chuckled to myself for fairly obvious reasons but I told hm he needed to call the company and talk to them.  I also told him he needed a car.  He said, "I got a car....I ain't got no G*D D*MN legs!!!  Hahahahahahahahah."  The joke was on me.  He then asked if they'd hire someone with a felony.  I asked him what it was he did to have a felony and he said "I shot a guy."  I asked, "Why did you do that?"  He responded "He shot me first."  I asked, "Why do you have a felony if he shot you first?"  Louis said, "Because I was in his neighborhood."  You know, he got homered by the witnesses.

We talk about the Chiefs and a lot of things.  He was having trouble getting out the door one day and told me his wheelchair was worn out.  That was all I needed to hear.  I spent a week or two trying to find him a new wheelchair.  I thought, why not try for a motorized one?  I never got a response until last Friday.  A guy named George called and said he had one he had tried to sell and no one wants to buy them right now so he said he would donate it to Louis.  We drove to Lee's Summit and picked it up Saturday.   I plan on giving it to Louis sometime this week, as soon as the home administrator gives me the ok.

I can't tell you how excited I am about this.  This man has no family in the area, no legs and a broken wheelchair.  I believe it's time for something good to happen to him.  The nurse I talked to today asked me why I was doing this for someone I don't really even know.  I told her I saw a need and I want to fill it.  She said the Lord will bless me for this and I told her that is what I was hoping for.

I'll let you know how this turns out.

That is all...Peters out!



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