Tim Peters, D.J.

Friday, July 18, 2008

V A C A T I O N!

Another big week in the delivery business.  I have settled in as a medical courier delivering medicine to nursing homes.  It is heart warming, amusing and sad all at the same time.  I am convinced there are two diseases which are as cruel as it gets.  Cancer and Alzheimers.  I deliver to an Alzheimers ward and have made some friends.  Yesterday I was greeted in the hallway by Bernie who was wearing no pants.  Totally freeballing!  Margie keeps trying to leave with me and Stanley, the former pilot, keeps telling me something about dropping pretzels out of airplanes.  It reminds me so much of the radio managers I've worked for who spent their days entertaining Jack Daniels.

As I sit here, we are on the eve of our annual trek to Table Rock Lake to spend the week with Stacy's side of the family.  This is always an interesting trip.  We split up the grocery bill and then everyone hides the food they don't want to share in their rooms.  It's not unusual to find a pack of mint oreos under a bed or a package of deli meats in a dresser drawer.  This is not a situation that leads to confrontation as two of the family members are "carry and conceal" type of guys.  Needless to say, oreos aren't worth getting shot for.  But come to think of it, Chips Ahoys may be.

So, we leave in the morning and will be on the lake by lunch.  There will be a boat and two jet skis.  I'm expecting that this would be a perfect opportunity tho break a hip or something.  Maybe a slight brain injury.  Good excuse to carry and conceal some bologna.  Or better yet, surprise everyone by not wearing pants!  I knew you could learn from your elders!!!

In the immortal words of the Go-Gos..."Vacation havin' a party!"

That is all...Peters out!  (You know what I mean)


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