Is working with me good luck....for them? I would say...possibly. My first news man in Wichita was Mark Elliot. You might hear him of radio stations across America as Mark Woolsey from The Weather Channel radio weather service. Then there was Laurie Roberts who went on to KSNW TV in Wichita, then she anchored the news in Kansas City and now works for a PR firm in Kansas City. Tracy West, known as "The Beaver" on my show on KEYN went on to be a news anchor on KWCH Channel 12 in Wichita and last I heard she was on tv in Oklahoma City. Melissa McDermot never actually worked with me but filled in on the news occasionally and went to high school in Goddard and graduated with my wife. She just retired from CBS TV as she was the news anchor in the late night slot. You can see Melissa in the picture right after she put a pie in my face during a celebrity waiters lunch for charity. Gloria Goodwin performs radio duties on Star 104.5 in Omaha, Steve Lundy is on 103.7 the Kat in Omaha and is up for the CMA medium market air personality of the year. You can see Lundy from the early 80's in the picture of the KOIL Good Guys from the September post. Dean Curfman was my news guy for awhile and I believe he is still working in Denver radio. A fellow named Steve Doocey was the co-host of PM Magazine on KAKE-TV in Wichita and filled in on news fairly often. He is now one of the anchors of Fox and Friends in the morning on the Fox News Channel. Greg Jarret from The Fox News Channel filled in on news a couple of times. You'll remember him from the tornado footage near Cassoday, Kansas where he, his photographer and some other people took refuge under an interstate bridge as a tornado went over. David Bloom filled in on the news for me and went on to be a member of NBC Nightly News. You'll remember we lost David in Iraq. He was a genuinely nice person.
There are a few people who worked with me that either went on to success or oblivion. As for myself, I chose oblivion!
It's nice to see mention of my old friend Dean Curfman. I knew him many (38 years or so)ago in Wichita. Dean always was doing weekend weather then and would always joke about how he got some of the rain predictions. Once I asked him how he got those percentages of "Chance of rain" and he told me that he would stick his head into the break room at the station and hollar "How many of you guys think it's going to rain". Then he would say "If three guys raised their hand, that night it would be 30% chanch of rain. He always had a big smile on his face. I'd like to think he is doing well.
Russ Baker
Hey Tim - I remember Dean Kurfman used to "DJ" for WHSW - West High School's PA broadcast. Didn't you also work with "Shotgun" Al Jameson (KFDI)? Wow, that was many years ago!
The photographer who took that video was Ted Lewis of KSNW TV. Anybody know where Dean Curfman is these days? Michael Jay Elston probably knows where he is.
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