So Sue Me!

To this point...I have not brought up one very important person in my one and only sister Sue! I'm her third favorite disc jockey behind Todd and Tyler on Z-92 in Omaha. I think the reason I haven't yet mentioned her is because once I get started telling stories of my life that involve her...I might never stop there are so many that are worthy of telling and they just keep coming!
Here only sibling's name is Sue James, formerly Peters, and I love her dearly, although I can't say that has always been the case. There were some times when I was younger that I swear she was trying to either mame or kill me. Like the time she took my friend John and I to get a malt at Goodrich Dairy. She purposely backed into the sign pole in the parking lot. I was not injured but John happened to be taking a drink from his rich and tasty chocolate malt and ended up with it on his face. Then there was the time we had captured a mink in our neighborhood and were transporting the mink to the zoo in a garbage can as the mink was somewhat surly, bordering on vicious. My sister purposely delayed traffic at a stop sign in midtown Omaha and allowed a man to come to our car and beat the holy bejesus out of John through the back window. He obviously thought I'd be sitting on that side of the car. John and I finally had to stop riding with her as John was just getting too beat up. Come to think about it...maybe I wasn't the target after all! Sue tricked my brother in law Terry into marrying her right out of high school. I think maybe she had some compromising pictures of him and he just found it easier to marry her then fight that battle. Terry kept trying to kill himself by jumping off his Suzuki 50 at it's top speed, but fortunately, the Suzuki only went about twenty five miles an hour. I guess he eventually did come to love they have been married for almost 35 years and have two sons, Chris and Matt. I think Terry made Sue take a maternity test to make sure she was the mother. Sue and Terry are singlehandedly keeping Captain Morgan (or any brand of spiced rum, they aren't particular) in business and get preferred seating at most bars in the metropolitan area. They get red carpet treatment at Harrah's...including access to the Diamond Club...I am sure it is because of the amount of alcohol they consume and not the gambling they do!! They are a blast to hang around with...but we do have to watch out for the security guards (another story...for another time).
I love both Sue & Terry dearly. Everything I've said here actually happened. Don't believe my sister when she disputes the accuracy of what I have said. Did I mention her dog Reno? Sue swears he reminds her of the original Reno, except he's a different color, temperament, breed and is fixed. The original Reno got to keep his "boys".
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