Tim Peters, D.J.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This just in....

I had an actual employment interview today.  I think it went well.  Then I get a call out of thin air for another radio job, so I am exploring that.  On top of that, someone said this blog bloviates.  I'll take that as a compliment.

So, all in all it was a productive day.  However, having an actual in person job interview meant having to disrupt my schedule of questionable personal hygiene.  No one in the house is complaining and we are having fewer spiders and rodents coming in the house, so it may be a good thing.

I also did a little work around the house.  After plugging the toilet I  found time to plunge it until it drained.  Did I get any thank yous?  What do you think?  I cooked dinner for me and Bradyn and as I pointed out to him that when dad cooks there is no need for vegetables with the meal.  So we finshed our burgers and beer and went our separate ways.

What's going to happen to this semblance of order if I go back to work?  This job I interviewed for today requires me to work Monday through Friday.  Maybe I should just put myself up for adoption.

That is all...Peters out!


At 9:36 PM, Blogger Carleigh said...

NO DADDY! Don't put yourself up for adoption!! I like you too much!

Thanks for plunging the toilet today after YOU clogged it. Haven't you ever heard of a courtesy flush? I mean, come on dad, you are the KING of courtesy flushes, you pretty much ARE the definition of the courtesy flush. Man oh man, what are we going to do with you? And excuse me...but where was my beer when I got home and you were enjoying a nice dinner with your son? (oh wait, i'm the good kid, i almost forget there for a second. sorry) And come to think of it...WHERE WAS MY SPECIALLY MADE VEGETARIAN DISH?! Where was MY dinner?

Again...what are we ever going to do with you? (i love you :) ) Congratulations on the job interview! I hope things work out!!


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