Tim Peters, D.J.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Here I go again...

Straight to the unemployment line.  I would say it was not a great way to start a Monday when your boss asks you to follow her to the General Manager's office.  I thought something was going on but never dreamed it would be me.  Alas, but it was me.  The company was having to cut four of their fellow employees because other employees failed to do their jobs, like sell advertising or promote radio stations so the sales department had something to sell.  Let me just add as an aside, all four who were fired were over the age of fifty.  Hmmmmm.

Of course to get severance but you have to sign an agreement that says you won't sue anyone for age discrimination or a handful of other laws that may or may not have been violated.  I was thinking that age discrimination was not a civil case but an actual criminal act because it violated a person's constitutional right against discrimination in the workplace.  I wonder if they sent the same papers to the EEOC folks who examine these things.  If the EEOC signs it then the company must be free to violate anyone's rights, right?

Another point is that I was told by my boss that one of those who were fired was diabetic and very near having to have an amputation.  If I'm not mistaken that is a pretty clear violation of that employee's HIPAA rights.  But then again, the company must have had the HIPAA folks sign a paper that allowed them to discuss someone's medical conditions with anyone they please.

That's the real problem with corporate America is that it seems to empower people to have little of no compassion for the people they manage.  Anyone is expendable and no one loses any sleep over it from management.  "I will turn your life upside down for the betterment of the company and not feel a thing for you as a human."  That must be the oath that is taken when you become a manager.  You have to forget that we are all human and hurt whomever you need to in order to make more money or save your own job!

I personally take responsibility for any actions I take that affect other people.  Believe me, there are people who deserve what they get, but none of those were affected by the firing of these four humans.  I can only guess that the combined experience in radio for the four would be somewhere around 160 -170 years. 

Maybe if management had made better decisions during the year this would not have happened.  Hard to feel sorry for the stuffed shirt manager that screws with other people's lives, when he himself gets canned.  But alas, some beast of burden on it's way down the Grand Canyon of life will poop out another of these managers to take the place of the last one.  I've always lived by a set of cute yet true rules of life.  One of my favorites fits here.  "The more you kick a turd, the more it stinks."  Some company's are just simply turds.

That is all...Peters out!


At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, I am sorry to see that you got cut. I was very disgusted to see that in the Eagle. I too noticed that they didn't cut any of the young folks. You should probably explore your legal options. You are totally right about the lack of promotion. I have counted five format flips for the 92.3 frequency in the last seven years. You would think that Journal would take a hint. I have enjoyed all the formats personally, however no one i know even knows about 92.3. They should have been flying Tim Peters banners across town. Anyway, I wish you all the best in the future. I am hoping that you will be back on Wichita radio very soon. You are a legend here.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger kkb said...

I was shocked to read about your dismissal in the Eagle.
The station did nothing in promoting it. I found out and continued to tell people by word of mouth. I was one of your followers from the Switch party days and called to welcome you back to Wichita radio.
Yu have had a tough couple of years professionally and medically, but don't get discouraged, you may be over 50 but that just means you are a seasoned performer! You probably have heard this and don't care to hear this now but everything happens for a reason. You will find your door opened again.
I hope I hear your radio voice again soon Tim.

At 5:32 AM, Blogger JSigwing said...

I had somehow missed it in the Eagle, but saw a letter to the editor Saturday saying Dugg Collins has been fired due to a format change at the AM station. The FM station lost my husband & I a while back & we were glad to find you at the 92.3, and I've missed what they're doing there to change things, but we're now boycotting anything KFDI/Journal. We have Sirius in our car & will be putting it in our home so we have a choice about our country music & can say screw their politics. Too bad Ol'Mike couldn't have lived forever. People should NEVER think that's the same KFDI or any fraction of the real tihng.


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