Tim Peters, D.J.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Couple of Items....

I recently saw a breakdown of the wealth of the people running for President of the United States.  You've probably heard of this position.  It's the one where a group of fabulously wealthy people get together, dig up dirt from each others' past then the most popular one gets to run the country for four years.  The winner gets to run a country full of people like you and I.  The salt of the Earth.  Tell me, will you, how in the hell does a fabulously wealthy person know about being us?  When was the last time they had to stagger mailing the bills so there would be money in the bank when they hit?  When was the last time you went out for a beer and to watch a football game with someone who is fabulously wealthy?  You drink beer, he drinks a fine Californian pinot noir.  You have pizza, he has caviar and other disgusting rich people food that us po' folks haven't "developed a taste for" yet.

In my mind's eye, us normal everyday folk don't reate to the fabulously wealthy.  I'm not sure I could even hold a conversation with one of "them".  "Geez Mit, did you see the price of the bacon cheeseburger here?"  Or, "Hillary, do you really wax your chest every week?"  I'm saving up to help my wife fix her broken nail.  Why can't we just elect a common sense, every day type of guy or gal who relates to a tax that takes away something from the grocery list?  Let's get rid of congress too!  EVERY ONE OF THEM BASTARDS!!!!

Another thing that has weighed heavily on my mind are the people who own businesses who are putting up little signs with a line drawn through a gun.  Why would you discourage a person who has gone through the training and background checks that conceal and carry guys go through?  What that sign on the front of your store tells me is that criminals know you and everyone in your store is unarmmed.  If you let more trained c & c people in your store, maybe some of these wacko shootings would stop.  Get it?  Free security system.  Put it in your advertising too.  If I had the option, I'd make sure everyone was armmed.  Just a thought.

That is all....Peters out!


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