Tim Peters, D.J.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Remind me...

To tell you about the "Dream Teams'" trip to Beaumont.  But in the meantime....Today I hit a milestone.  I applied for my 50th job.  Not just any job either.  This job only required that I have a GED.  I am so excited at the prospect of getting an interview.  Mainly because I have yet to get an interview for any job I have applied for.  Maybe I should have left college early and entered the NBA draft.  I just didn't look good in the tight gym shorts.

If you can no longer even get an interview in the field you have been in for over 30 years, should you consider yourself retired?  Over the Hill?  Whale s**t?  Washed up?  Yesterday's news?  I'm thinking yes to all of the above.

You've probably guessed by now that I didn't even get the pizza delivery job.  I finally got the gun metal taste out of my mouth, and now this.  I'm almost wishing Hillary gets elected so maybe she can come up with an "affirmative action" government program for for middle age disc jockeys.  I would think wishing Hillary were president is about as desperate as a person can get.

Maybe I should have told the Beaumont story after all.  At least I had a job.  Now, if you'll excuse me, CareerBuilder is expecting me.

That is all....Peters out!




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