Tim Peters, D.J.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Almost employed...

I thought I had found the perfect job for myself.  I was to just go to this place in kind of a seedy part of town and they take some blood out of my arm and give me $50 and a tuna sandwich.  And, I can do this twice a week.  Imagine, getting paid for something my body makes on a regular basis anyway AND getting free lunch.  Then I found out it was a blood bank, and I have absolutely no banking experience.  Another strike out!

I've also given some thought to putting an ad somewhere where I would interview prospective radio employers to see if they can live up to my exacting standards.  "WANTED, honest reliable radio operation.  Must be employee oriented, pay fare wage and provide benefits that are actually benefits.  Managers must be people oriented, must return all phone calls and e mails and always tell the truth.  Radio station must require quality work out of employees and reward them accordingly.  If someone fails to live up to their job description, managers must fire them and not someone else in their place.  If the manager fails at his or her job, they must fire themselves."

The more I thought about putting this ad in somewhere I remembered why great radio stations are so much like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.   You always hear about  them but have never actually seen one.  Radio is kinda like the blood bank...except no free lunch, just a blood letting.  But I'm not bitter.

That is all...Peters out!!!



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