I'll Ho Ho Ho you...

What started out as a lazy do nothing Sunday basically stayed that way all day. But there were two events that were fun today. First, I got a message from someone in my Wichita radio past. Her name was Rebecca and she lives in Michigan now. I knew her and her sister Pam in my early days in Wichita. I have a picture of her sister Pam and me together and Pam is wearing a "Tim Peters Fan" t shirt, circa 1982. I even remembered her last name. I sometimes amaze myself with my ability to remember the past. It was great to hear from Rebecca and maybe I will hear from Pam also since they have found me on MySpace.com.
The other semi event in my day happened while Stacy and I were "picking up a few things" at WallyMart. We were about to the back of the store by the tortillas, near the string cheese and almost to the yogurt when a couple of small kids were helping their dad shop by one pushing the shopping cart and the other riding in it. As the little boy, the pusher was laying underneath the shopping cart while dad picked out some bologna, they blocked everyone in the aisle. I was smiling at them laughing and having a good time when the little girl, who was riding in the cart suddenly stopped laughing and stared at me. Now, usually when someone stares at someone in WallyMart, it means a fight will begin at any second. Since I wasn't entirely sure I could take her dad, I just continued smiling.
What happened next nearly started a second fight. The little girl looked at me intently and asked, "Are you Santa Claus?" You see, I grew a goatee a while back and it came in blonde and I was wearing red. I told her no I wasn't Santa, but I knew him. Her dad was embarassed and said the beard threw her off and I said it was okay, but next time.....POW! I immediately turned to Stacy and said "The beard is coming off!"
Stacy of course called me Santa the rest of the evening. She said as the little girl and her dad passed her the little girl was insisting that I truly was Santa Claus. I guess I should be flattered. Being mistaken for someone I admire so much should be taken as a compliment. I guess I'm glad the little girl still believes in Santa Claus. After all, I still believe. And maybe, just maybe, I"ve found another way to make a mediocre income! Ho Ho Ho!
daddy! your moustache isn't blonde!! It's white (well, partly).. This story is so cute!! You probably really made this little girls day!! Love you!
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