Tim Peters, D.J.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Stormy weather....

     There is nothing more fun than driving with your friend visiting from Florida as your city is in the grip of a full fledged ice storm.   You see, my friend Bob, aka Mr. X, is here on business from Florida.  We always make it a point to get together when he is in town.  He gets his Mr. X name from his days as a character on my morning show in Wichita.  He is a radio legend in his own mind.  He is originally from Kansas but either has lost his ability to navigate a car during an ice storm or he is still crazy.  I knew it was going to be trouble when we started skidding sideways.  Most people would blurt out a healthy expletive but Mr. X handed me his beer and said, "I'm gonna try something!" 

     Normally ice and snow doesn't bother me but the "Joe Diffie", my 1997 Ford F-150 is only hitting on 6 cylinders, has no weight for traction in the back and has mostly bald tires because he needs ball joints and chews up tires pretty fast making traction somewhat of a joke.  I've had the Joe Diffie since 1998 and he has 180,000 miles so, we have history!

So, three inches of ice today and up to a foot of snow tomorrow.  I love the midwest but I don't understand that they call off school, certain work shifts and other activities but the never call off the radio shifts.  Some mysteries will never be solved.


At 8:27 AM, Blogger Mr.X said...

Tim, bailing out of a car, that is in a death spin, during an ice storm is considered a prudent move! Just wish my door wasn't frozen shut during my exit attempt. But, I didn't spill a drop of the Colt 45 beer!

Being from Florida (currently living in paradise here) has nothing to do with self preservation. I am continuously dodging the crazy/suicidal "blue hairs" that are going to the "early bird special" down here in Florida.

This helps me perfect my manuvering abilities all the time! Come on down and I will give you some driving lessons!

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Mr.X said...

You know me too well young grasshopper! Rest assured that the Urban Assault Vehicle is alive and well here in Florida! Yes, grasshopper...the blue hairs are worth many points. But you have to snatch them from their unruly ways to get the correct amount of points. The UAV just received a new coat of wax. This makes the surface more slippery and thus more of a challenge for capturing the blue hairs! Muhahahaha


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