Tim Peters, D.J.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Will work for food and diapers...

After weighing in on what life has taught me and all the experience I have gained as a result I have come to the conclusion that I am not really qualified to perform any kind of meaningful service for any prospective employer.  After being in radio for 30 years and basically not ever growing up, kind of puts me in the twilight zone as a possible employee.

I have had members of my family and select friends advising me on what I need to do to become more employable.  Here's what I've gotten so far.  Plastic surgery...except I kind of like my eyes on the front of my face and my eyebrows above them.  Apparently someone got this idea after seeing Olivia Newton-John on American Idol.  She apparently visited Kenny Rogers' surgeon and now they both look like reptiles.  Not for me!  I don't think breast implants would help either.

Someone else thought maybe I should go back to school.  Forget that right now.  I could barely fit in those desks when I was 12 much less now as a full figured adult.  Besides, if I started going back to school, all the other kids would just make fun of me on the playground and I'd probably end up with a crayon jammed in my ear.

It was also suggested that I just deliver some pizzas.  They claimed they had a friend that is making a ton of money delivering pizzas.  I thought long and hard about that one.  I love pizza!  It would probably be a problem that when I deliver pizza, the pizza never seems to make the entire trip.  There goes my tip!

Apparently the only thing I've ever been good at is radio.  It's kind of like going back to school... 3rd grade.  I 've actually got a meeting tomorrow for a potential radio job.  I can't say where it is just yet but it sounds like a good opportunity with a good company.  After the decisions are made, I'll publish a picture of the guy that contacted me.  It will be him and Three Dog Night.  By the way, I do get a free lunch out of the deal.  I'll just have to remember not to eat the Elmer's glue and things should go well.

That is all... Peters out!


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