Tim Peters, D.J.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

You say it's your Birthday....

Another birthday for a Peters' kid.  Carleigh turned 19 today.  I can still remember the day she was born.  She was a c-section and I got to perform the procedure all by myself.  Not really, but I did see her actually come out of the sunroof as we like to call it and I chewed off the cord.  She was crying when she came out and has been crying ever since.

She looked just like a basketball with ears as I remember.  She was our sickliest child.  She tried to commit hari cari on her big wheel when it got out of control going down the sidewalk to the lake.  The sidewalk came to a T and she just rammed the rocks on the edge of the water and did a complete flip into the lake.  I of course was chasing her frantically and got there in time to grab her by the arm and save her...from getting wetter in the ankle deep water.

She had to have two surgeries on her hip when she was little because she got Perthes, a disease of the hip socket that her mother and uncle both had as children.  She was in a wheel chair for a year.  Lots of sympathy.  She made a nearly full recovery.  She just has trouble sitting on the floor with her legs crossed.  Big inconvenience at sit in protests.

Carleigh is now 19 years old, in college to be a psychologist, works with special needs children 6 days a week and is beautiful and available,  in case you are a young, single guy with high ambitions or a huge trust fund.  Her last and only real boyfriend did her dirty...his body will never be found.  I may write a song about it someday.

So today was Carleigh's birthday.  How did we remember?  A full week of constant reminders, that's how.  Carleigh always claims to be "the good child", but she also claims to be a vodka girl when the discussion turns to controlled substances.  If you get a chance, e mail Carleigh a birthday wish at utopiandream4477@yahoo.com.

Happy Birthday Carleigh!  Now, stop crying!

That is all...Peters out!


At 2:20 PM, Blogger Carleigh said...

utopiandream4477@hotmail.com :) haha

and wan't Perthese (or whatever) the Femur bone? heck if i remember, i was 5. thanks for the "shout out" dad...i'll get to working on that whole crying thing. i know it's a pretty big issue in our household, among all the SMALLER ones like...your felon son and your rebel OTHER daughter. haha I love you:) Thanks for everything you did for me on my birthday. And always.


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