Tim Peters, D.J.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Random thoughts....

It has been nearly a week since I last wrote and I feel guillty about that.  I don't know why I haven't written in so long but I do know that I have started to write several times and have either gotten distracted, interrupted or simply lost inspiration.  I could blame it on the blues I suppose.  It has been raining here for nearly the entire week.  The grass looks greener, the small forest animals are flourishing and the mosquitoes are the size of turkeys.  I wonder if they taste the same?  Probably taste more like chicken I suppose.

I suppose I could blame it on global warming.  But I love rain, fog and thunderstorms, so Al Gore should be my hero, but alas he is not.  He's just another filty rich political loser who is now going through life trying to be significant.  But I'm not bitter.  I've been thinking about starting a grass roots movement  and calling it vote 'em all out.  I'd have a website that would incite people to vote against all of Congress out of office.  That is an uplifting thought!

I suppose I could have written Paris Hilton's memoirs of prison life but that would have taken more time than she is serving.  I am gratified to know that Paris found God while in prison.  Larry King ask her what her favorite passage of the Bible was and she said she didn't really have one. (Tanslation:  Oops,, didn't my publicist tell this old fart not to ask that question because the whole Bible thing was just to boost my image.)  I could have sworn I heard the ocean while waiting for her to answer.  I coulkdn't tell if it was coming from Larry or Paris. 

That's just a sample of what's going through my head at any given time.  My mind is so crowded I sometimes think my brain has been evicted.  I still laugh at farts.  Is that so wrong?

That is all....Peters out!




At 12:52 PM, Blogger kansasoliver said...

The vast wasteland of trivial knowledge...my, isn't it great!

At 2:17 PM, Blogger Mr.X said...

And I thought my head was filled with worthless trivia. You are my idol!


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