The Last Goodbye....

Being the trendsetter that I am and being on the radio, I like to do what many radio people would think to be inasanity. I'm having some people on my show who were "let go" from another radio station. In fact, they were "let go" by a station I have been fired from twice. I consider a badge of honor.
Thursday I will have Bekki and her former KEYN co-host, who shall remain nameless, but I will refer to him as Mr. Walton on the show. They will be on my show to have a chance to say goodbye to their listeners and maybe give their fans some closure. Not to say they couldn't pop up at another station in the future, but for right now they can have the final say.
Both times I was fired from this station, although it was by two different companies, I never got to say goodbye, sort of. I did land at KKRD the next day after one of the "let goes", so it wasn't a complete mystery as to my whereabouts.
I've posted a picture from my scrapbook circa 1981 that includes the three of us plus my current boss' boss. He's the one with my finger in his nose. Hope you'll be able to tun in tomorrow.
That is all...Peters out!
Just goes to show that the old saying "You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose. But, you cannot pick your friends nose" went down the drain after that photo!
Unbelievable...the watering down continues in local radio...Tim, I hope Journal gives you a fair shake so you don't become the next victim!
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