Tim Peters, D.J.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Orkin Man to the Rescue...


I know that everyone has probably been on the edge of their chair waiting for this and here it is.  No change!  No change from a year ago on my nuclear stress test last Friday.  That's a good thing.  So, enough about that.

Last Saturday night our "party" neighbors were out of town again and as usual their son had all his alcoholic teenage friends over to be loud and obnoxious.  At about midnight we heard screeching tires and hot rodding rich kids out in the street in front of the house.  I grabbed my "Orkin Man" flashlight and went to investigate.

The first thing I encountered were two large teenagers urinating on the side  of my house.  I asked if there was something I could help them with not really believing that I really would help them urinate.  (I did have my trusty Orkin Man flashlight so I could have actually helped them detect if they had peed their pants.) They said no and I asked what was going on with the other 20 or so drunk teenagers in the street.  The said just a little fisticuffs, so I suggested we call the Lenexa police to come over and referee.  They emphatically said no and told me that if I helped them get their '66 Impala started they would leave.  Then their classic started up and they thanked me and ran to the car, stopping only briefly to fight some more.  So I took my Orkin Man flaslight and stepped into the street and yelled that they had one minute to get out or the police would be called.

Not a great deal of thinking went into this action, but I had just finshed watching Tito Ortiz kick Ken Shamrock's butt in UFC action in the octagon on tv and felt fairly tough. Lucky for me they decided being a teenager and being drunk when the cops arrived was not the way theu wanted to end their Saturday night.

The police did arrive and before it was all over there were seven cruisers, no parents in the house and teenage girls hiding in the party house.  Despite how hard the officers knocked the girls refused to answer the door.  The officers did get hold of the parents and I can only guess they were mad.  Mad because the kids had a party without them there.

It will be interesting to see what happens when they finally get home.  We'll see if they're mad at the neighbors or the kids.  If they're going to be mad at us, they better just remember I have an Orkin Man flashlight I  may just go over and shine it on the protein stained carper and embarass them.

That is all...Peters out!


At 5:02 PM, Blogger Mr.X said...

Tim, why didnt you have Mr X come over and help kick some teen butt? I could have used the exercise.

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Mr.X said...

This is Mr X, you're welcome...

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