Tim Peters, D.J.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Curing Evil....

Kansas is such a hoot to live in.  Right now the debate over whether to allow a casino to go in near or in Wichita is taking place and the fine folks of Wichita will vote on it tomorrow.

This reminds me of when I first moved to Wichita in 1981.  You could not walk into a bar and just get a drink.  You had to be a member of "The Club", which cost you $10, then you could order a drink.  You had to pay this fee at every bar where you wished to consume an adult beverage.  Kansas authorities were afraid if you could just walk in and drink everyone would become raging alcoholics causing all the problems raging alcoholics cause.  You know, rampant afternoon sex, projectile vomitting in public, and yes, excessive urination.  The Attorney General at that time wouldn't even let an airline serve drinks while flying over Kansas airspace.  What a great image for a state with an image problem!  The people in those planes were glued to their windows looking for the conestoga wagons and buffalo down below.  How silly is that?  Everyone knows that stuff is out in western Kansas! 

We could if we were so inclined, go to establishments in the middle of fairly normal neighborhoods however and have totally naked women serve us lunch.  At least that's what I heard.  I don't know personally. 

So, instead of going into a bar and buying a single beer or cocktail, people would go to the liquor store and buy a 6 pack and sit in their car and drink it.  You needed a 12 pack if you were on a date to go make out behind the oil well.  That made perfect sense to me!

Now, there's a chance that casinos could come to town.  Everybody knows that when a casino comes to town, children start disappearing, our pets are abused, people stop going to church, we all become alcoholics and we all become addicted to gambling,  spending our entire paychecks at the casinos, where the mafia bosses send it to some mafia town somewhere else and our town benefits nothing.  We become a vast wasteland and the casino bosses get rich and steal our women for their own evil purposes.  Geeeeez!

Thank God we just voted in Sunday liquor sales so we can drown our sorrows! 

That is all....Peters out!


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