Tim Peters, D.J.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

You'd think...

Being unemployed for the second time in less than a year would get me down.  And you'd be right.  I am finding that being over fifty is not a great time of life to be trying to find meaningful employment.  I send out resumes for jobs I know I am qualified for but alas, no response.  Maybe this is another way corporate America keeps it's costs down is by throwing experienced, talented and proven candidates and employees to the curb and settles for less experience and less salary.

i did manage to pick up some side jobs last week.  The little gal up the street hired me to help her deliver her Girl Scout Cookies.  But when we were done, she gave me my check and through me to the curb telling me my position had been eliminated.  Not even a thank you.  A little later that day I saw a little guy helping her with her cookies and I started thinking that maybe is was just my age.  But that can't be because there are laws that say not even Girl Scouts can discriminate on the basis of age.  Maybe she just had a crush on the boy.  One of those office romances.  How can I fight that?

My neighbor offered to hire me to shovel his driveway but withdrew the offer when he found out i was a heart patient and he was afraid I'd keel over right in his driveway, and he was probably right.  I've had some real radio type opportunities.  I was referred to apply for a job near Kansas City where I would be in charge of the operations of 6 radio stations.  Gee, I don't know if I'm qualified.  It would be in a market that would be the second smallest I've ever worked in.  I've operated very successful restaurants with over 50 employees.  I've operated radio stations in various capacities, including sales for over 30 years with some success.  I wonder why they haven't called me back.  The guy who has the job now is staying and has never been in a market bigger than the one he is in now.  I must not be qualified. 

I guess the point is, is that there is no point.  I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to do.  I am smart and have the credentials to prove it.  I have experience in several different fields.  I still  don't mind long days as it wasn't rare to see me at the last station working into the evening.  One of the jocks at the album station came to me one evening, after I had been there since 5 am and said, "You're a morning guy, you're not supposed to be here after noon."  I replied, "I work until the job is finished."  This exchange took place right outside the boss' office.  I guess they can't have the old guys putting in the long hours.  They'll have to let me go so someone can come in and work until noon.  Corporate America, the world's greatest mystery.

That is all...Peters out!


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