Tim Peters, D.J.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Has it been THREE years?

This week is the third anniversary of my open heart surgery!  Unfortunately, we won't be having cake nor will we be opening presents.  I'm not allowed sugar or surprises. 

Stacy and I went to see the movie "The Bucket List" about a wealthy man and a common man both being diagnosed with terminal illness and together they decide to make a list of everything they want to do before they die, kick the "bucket".  By the end of the movie, we both had tears streaming down our faces.  I cried so much my socks were wet!  My friend Mister X went to see this movie but doesn't remember how it went as he was busy getting busy in the back of the theater.  He missed a good movie, but apparently not much else.

I have often thought about what I want to do before I die again, since I died once in the ICU after surgery, while I was conscious!  But I really can't come up with anything exciting.  First, I don't have any rich friends to pay for everything and second, I'm happy with my life as it is.  Except for the recurring unemployment, the worry about paying bills, losing the house, losing the cars and all of the crap we have worked our entire adult lives to have and then store in the garage until its falling out into the driveway.  Besides that stuff, its been okay.

I guess I would like to have a bus one day and travel some,  just to see the wonders of the road I haven't seen.  I've never really been east of Memphis or north of Atlanta, by that I mean the northeast part of the United States.  I would like to drive my bus through Yellowstone again and maybe see a bear this time.  I wouldn't mind driving to the Grand Canyon and being able to enjoy it's majesty without the constant fear of one of the children falling into the abyss.  In fact, I think it would be cool to load up the adult kids and their spouses and their children and just go to the mountains or the lake together. 

Next time we'll discuss thoughts about planning your own funeral  It will be fun.  Right now though, Georgie the cat has just taken a huge dump in the litter box which is housed in my recording studio.  So I'm off for fresh air...

That is all...Peters out!


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