Tim Peters, D.J.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Walk the Dinosaur...

I just read an e mail from a friend.  You know, one of those "If you believe it pass it on" but without the 7 years of good luck or immediate fortune upon forwarding to 7 people.  This one was so true it hurt.

There s a group of us born somewhere between the 40's and the 70's who are true survivors.  Not that our lives were ever really truly in danger, but compared to today's beliefs, we all should be dead.  See if this doesn't hit somewhere close to home.

In the summer, we would leave the house and be gone all day and no one really missed us.  We didn't have a cell phone to check in with, we had to play outside with friends as the Internet, Nintendo and Playstation were foreign words to us.  We had little AM transistor radios that we held up to our ears to listen and no one ever got a brain tumor.  The music was a little tinny but the jocks were boss.  Our moms would make us Kool Aid, made with sugar, we drank from the garden hose, which doubled as entertainment when you attached a sprinkler to it, and I don't remember one case of lead poisoning.

We played outside with our neigborhood friends until way after the streetlights came on and no one was ever shot in a drive-by.  We played with sticks and garbage can lids, and hardly anyone ever lost an eye.  We climbed trees, scraped our knees, stubbed our toes and occasionally broke a bone or chipped a tooth, but no one ever got sued over it.  Most of the kids weren't morbidly obese because none of us sat in front of video games for hours on end and there were only three channels on the tv. 

We wrapped towels across our back to play superman and girls wrapped towels around their heads to simulate long flowing hair.  To be honest, I had a few guy fiends that did too.  They all make huge money now designing houses and inventing new women's clothing lines. 

The point is, where has imagination gone.  We played outside without the fear of getting kidnapped.  The only excercise our kids get are with their thumbs.  And worst of all, Michael Jackson has ALWAYS been white to our kids.  Our kids have never really dialed a phone, driven a car without power steering and air conditioning,  or listened to music played off of a vinyl disc called an LP. 

In many cases, our kids have never seen a real live dinosaur.  Did I just date myself?  More like carbon date myself!

That is all...Peters out!!!




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