Tim Peters, D.J.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Since we last met...

I did receive an offer from a friend in the business for lunch, his treat.  I think it was the gun metal flavor curiosity that provoked him to write.  So, naturally, I started starving myself in anticipation of the forthcoming feast at someone else's expense.  I finally had to eat something on Saturday as I was really getting hungry because he never called to set up the lunch.  I also heard from another friend that I should write a tell all book, sell it to Hollywood and retire into fabulous wealth.  I told her that there are just some things about my past that a tell all book would do nothing but to serve me getting a huge ass kicking.  None of us want that do we? 

Making a tell all movie would probably be too racy with sex and nudity that it would either be considered porn or extreme comedy.  Probably comedy if I played myself in the love scenes.  Everyone who knows me knows that my first sexual experience was getting naked wth a girl and sitting on the edge of the bed and pointing and laughing at each other.  I didn't see another real naked girl until I was in my twenties.  And to see me naked would just not be right.  Now, none of us really want that do we?

I did however, finally hear from the Program Director of the station I have been bothering about a job.  We are supposed to meet Tuesday.  I hope it's not just a courtesy interview because I had everyone and their cousin call him and tell him what an incredible talent I used to be.  The key phrase is, used to be.  I still believe I can be successful, but radio stations keep putting me in positions that a miracle must happen before success will.  The problem is also that I have realized that I can't live on my past successes no matter how huge they were.  I must prove I can do it now, in the present. 

If that doesn't work, I'm calling up that girl that I first got naked with and having a few laughs. 

That is all...Peters out!!!




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